Monday, November 3, 2014

Hi - Thanksgiving? Time to Bring it!

The Headlines:

Goodbye Halloween.

Hello Thanksgiving.

Goodbye Boring.

Hello Smashing!

Can I just say - thank God I made it?  Wow that Halloween was chaotic!  It's so fun to plan class parties and house parties but it sure is a lot of work, huh?  Not to mention, with Halloween it's the added craziness of having a party for 25 people at which you can only stay for a short while before you have the pressure of getting out the door to the main event - Trick or Treating!  That's my downfall.  I have neighbors who have golf carts lined up, chalk full of waters, glow sticks and Fireball the night before they go out!   Me?  I throw everyone out the door when I realize it's getting too late.  Yes, I'm picky but sometimes it gets away from me… I've only been doing this Halloween party thing for 2 years now!  Next year, will be better….?  Right.
The Firefighter & Spider Queen
So Tis' the season to move from one holiday to another!  Halloween's over.  Thanksgiving's around the corner.  There are things to be done.  Starting with taking down the black and white decor and replacing it with more gourds and pumpkins.  Man I hate that.  See, that was the reason I used to only decorate for Fall.  Since I have embraced Halloween decor - now it turns one season into two - which means more work for me!

Sometimes being picky is exhausting.  Wait, sometimes?

Anyways…  after the removal of all things Halloween the next big agenda item is deciding on the menu you'll be serving for the big bird day.  That is, if you have the big bird day at your house.  I always do.  If you don't… bravo.  You have room in your brain to move on to other things… unlike me who instead spends her time thinking about - what to serve.  Geez, when I put it that way it makes me sound pathetic, huh?  So, if you're pathetic like me (I am soooooo kidding) I'd like to give you an idea for a great side to go with your turkey.  I bring you these…

Goat Cheese Smashed Potatoes   
Goat Cheese Smashed Potatoes and they are delish!  Smashing really.  Here's the thing, they are mashed potatoes with a twist.  I HATE BORING!  Mashed potatoes people - by themselves - are boring.  We've had them one million times.  Change it up a bit.  Traditions are awesome but so is living with variety - especially when it comes to food!  These go marvelously with turkey and stuffing and they just take your dinner up a notch.  As it should be.  Your Aunt Betty, who makes the same potatoes every single year will thank you, I promise.  

Of course, as always, it's easy.  Takes hardly any hands on time.

Here's what you need:
3 lbs peeled potatoes cut into chunks
2 cups milk
10-12 oz of goat cheese (depending upon your taste)
5 or 6 green onions, chopped 
salt & pepper

Here's what you do:
In a large sauce pan put potatoes, 2 tspns of salt and enough water to cover the potatoes.  Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce to medium low until really tender.  About 20 minutes.  Drain and return to pan.  Add milk and cheese. 

Mash with masher, mix in additional salt, pepper and onions to taste.   Serves 8, give or take.  Like I said, it goes wonderfully well with a Thanksgiving dinner.  Your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Now excuse me while I go think about some other very important things.  Like stuffing. 



  1. I know-- it's time to think about Thanksgiving. SO EXCITING. I would try the Goat Cheese Smashed Potatoes -but my hubby is one picky hubby. not a fan of goat cheese.

    1. i get it girl! I love love love goat cheese and it's a fairly subtle taste in these potatoes.

  2. OMG I am totally going to try this with a batch of my potatoes this year. I love goat cheese!!

  3. You will not be disappointed ladies. Unless you're constances' husband! ha.


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